The Veillette Terz 6 is a powerful and intriguing hybrid of many concepts. Tuned up to the player’s choice of G or A, the Terz blends the full sound of a guitar with the clean shimmer of a mandolin or bouzouki. The name comes from the classical “Terz” (Italian for “Third”), an instrument designed to be tuned up a third from a standard guitar.
This Veillette Terz 6 is a shorter-scale guitar based on classical instruments that were designed to accompany and extend the range of standard-tuned guitars in ensemble playing. The 13.5″ wide lower bout and 3-7/8″ thickness strike the perfect balance of compact comfort and acoustic volume. Nicknamed “Terzilla” in the shop, this little beast is shockingly loud for its modest size. The sound of the higher tuning and shorter scale (22″) is powerful and complex. Bursting with harmonics and ‘cut’. Perfect for layering over other guitars, doubling, or accompanying singers or instruments with a naturally higher range. With its fast, tight, and defined lower register and thick natural chorus, the Terz 6 also excels for solo fingerstyle playing, particularly for the adventurous guitarist seeking something beyond just another standard 6-string.
The guitar is in excellent condition. With the extra options of updated D-tar electronics, Ebony fingerboard and bridge and transparent red color. The onboard D-Tar Wavelength pickup/preamp with tuner is unique for its ease of use and low profile. A single LED light provides total functionality, with flashing blue for flat, flashing red for sharp, and solid green for in tune. The speed of the flashing light also indicates how close a note is to in tune. The three-color LED bulb is also adjustable for brightness, from a low glow to extremely bright (great for bright, sunny outdoor gigs). This extremely accurate tuner is fully chromatic, and works across a wide range of tunings, from low bass notes to the highest notes. It is activated with a push-pull switch on the tone control. List price for this guitar with these options is currently 4.200 USD.